Category: p


purpurite (photo by ra’ike) is a good stone to use in repairing mistakes and emotional damage in a gentle manner. colour/appearance: silky violet sheen. sources: namibia, madagascar cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon element(s): wind, earth chakra(s): crown, third eye physical: increases vitality, vigor and stamina it has a wholesome, rejuvenating effect on the body maximizes nutrient intake, relief from sunburn radiation (and other […]

purple chalcedony

purple chalcedony awakes the psychic abilities cleansing: cleanse with running water method energize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon chakra(s): third eye, crown element(s): wind best combined with: amethyst, sugilite, charoite emotional: allowis us to let go of past hurt and turmoil helps remember dreams spiritual: the corresponding element is wind, and is associated with the third eye chakra, and crown chakra aura purification union with the higher self.

printstone aka stamp stone or australian zebra rock

printstone aka stamp stone or australian zebra rock helps you choose the best course of action to take to achieve your intended goals. colour/appearance: brown, tan, cream, peach, orange or a combination of these colors sources: western australia cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on a crystal quartz cluster or in sunlight emotional: helps you to apply rational thinking and logic in any situation. aids decision making, providing an insight into the “best” possible […]

pink chalcedony

pink chalcedony helps encourage kindness and good qualities in our lives. colour/appearance: pink cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon chakra(s): third eye, higher heart physical: breastfeeding psycosomatic disease emotional: encourages empathy and inner peace as well as a deep sense of trust heals all issues of the heart encourages storytelling as a form of creativity

pink aventurine

pink aventurine is additionally assisted by mineral hematite and can help you realize that you are the only person placing limitations on yourself. pink aventurine focuses both your energy and emotions to bring loving balance between the physical, emotional and mental self. pink aventurine can focus dissolution of negativity and create a more loving atmosphere or space. and, with bringing a more present concentration of all your intents, whenever you need it. sources: italy, nepal, […]


peridot is a stone of lightness and beauty. it is also very protective during rituals and a stone of abundance colour/appearance: yellow, green-yellow, green, green-brown sources: united states (arizona and hawaii), myanmar, australia, norway, south africa, brazil cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on a crystal quartz cluster or in sunlight planet(s): mercury, venus zodiac: virgo element(s): earth chakra(s): solar plexus, heart feng shui use: primary gemstone for the element fire south (success) north […]

mariposite aka phengite

mariposite aka phengite (photo by yath) is a variety of muscovite/fuchsite and is often found as rich green inclusions in white marble or quartz, first found in mariposa county, california . It helps us adapt to new situations easily colour/appearance: rich green inclusions in white marble or quartz cleansing: cleanse with tumbled hematite pieces, energize on a crystal quartz cluster emotional: reduces stress and fear, helping calm and stabilize our lives helps us not to […]

morganite/pink beryl

morganite/pink beryl is the stone of divine love. this delicate yet powerful stone opens one to the frequency of the universal heart. it has been called an angel stone and help us with communication with angels. see also general properties of beryl. colour/appearance: peach, pink, lavender sources: brazil, india, namibia cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon planet(s): venus zodiac: libra element(s): water (air) chakra(s): […]

green amethyst/prasiolite

green amethyst/prasiolite brings the light flowing spiral energy that brings orderly growth and progress in our transformation colour/appearance: light green with white and clear sources: cleansing: like amethyst the colour can fade in the sunlight, please be careful! element(s): earth chakra(s): crown, third eye, solar plexus best combined with: feng shui use: physical: heart emotional: helps us express emotions spiritual: brings recognition, approval and appreciation of our accomplishments helps us determine when the beginning of […]

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