Category: a


apophylite fills our bodies with light and joy. it is a soul level healer. colour/appearance: clear to frosty white often pyramid or cubic shaped sources: india cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on a crystal quartz cluster or in moonlight during full moon planet(s): mercury zodiac: gemini element(s): wind earth (air) chakra(s): crown, third eye best combined with: azetulite, scolecite, selenite, tibetan tektite physical: allergies asthma breathlessness eyes feet emotional: enhances mindful analysis, tinged […]


apatite stimulates healthy eating habits. It is a stone of manifestation and promotes a humanitarian attitude. colour/appearance: most often seen in blue, but also found in green, yellow, pink, brown, purple sources: mexico, norway, russia, usa cleansing: don’t expose to direct sunlight. planet(s): mercury zodiac: gemini physical: appetite suppressant arthritis heals bones celulite depression strengthens muscles emotional: reduces irritability and aggression eases apathy, sorrow, and anger helps us to accept and feel love toward even […]

appache tear

the apache tear,  which is clear smoky black obsidian helps creating a sense of harmony and balance and all has all the general properties of obsidian. colour/appearance: black sources: arizona and new mexico cleansing: cleanse with running water method energize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon planet(s): saturn zodiac: aries element(s): earth, fire chakra(s): root, sacral feng shui use: any negative direction (protection/luck) physical: muscle cramps non-absorbtion of vitamins c and […]


anhydrite is useful for people who have difficulty coming to terms with incarnation and who long for the “post death” state. (Photo by Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0, colour/appearance: colourless, range from blue to grey anhydrite crystallizes as tabular crystals or granular masses sources: cleansing: cleanse with running water methodenergize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon zodiac: cancer, pisces, scorpio physical: treats disorders of the throat, especially […]


anglesite (photo by dave dyet) helps us contact “the other side” and has been used for channeling. colour/appearance: white, colourless, pale green, yellow or blue sources: namibia, australia, morocco, england, mexico cleansing: cleanse with running water method energize on a crystal quartz cluster or in sunlight spiritual: keeps us grounded during communication with others that are not on the earth plane brings dreams into reality allows open and loving communication with others regarding spiritual issues


angelite (blue anhydrite) is the stone to use to make contact with angels. all healers or those who would like to be healers should have angelite. colour/appearance: light blue with occasional white spots or streaks sources: mexico, peru cleansing: cleanse with running water methodenergize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon element(s): wind chakra(s): throat, third eye, crown physical: angelite helps balance the thyroid used for weight control changes pain and disorder […]


also called the “earth stone”. it changes the colour depending on the angle of view (photo by Rob Lavinsky) see also chiastolite colour/appearance: green, yellow, brown, red sources: russia, sri lanka, china, brazil, madagascar cleansing: cleanse with running water method energize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon zodiac: virgo element(s): storm, eatrh chakra(s): root, third eye feng shui use: primary gemstone for the element earth center (gounding/balance/spiritual growth) north (success) anywhere […]


analcime (photo by paleonet) brings harmony into groups colour/appearance: white, grey, yellow, pink, green or colourless physical: heart emotional: helps us maintain individuality and creativity when faced with limitations set by others spiritual: enhances mental clarity stimulates and clears the heart chakra supports in times of transformation and change

amulet stone

amulet stone aka mt. hay thunder egg or mt. hay agate (photo by cacophony) contains power and energy that was stored from the volcanic action from which it was formed. it holds the power and energy which is given to it by the user or healer. in this way the stones can be infused with healing energies and then given to an individual who can benefit from the healers stored energy. colour/appearance: amulet stones usually […]


these are a combination of amethyst, quartz and prasiolite aka green amethyst. colour/appearance: violet and green sources: africa cleansing: like amethyst the color can fade in the sunlight! planet(s): jupiter, neptune zodiac: aquarius, pisces element(s): earth, wind chakra(s): third eye, crown, higher crown physical: all types of ailments involving the heart stimulates healing and repair of body good all-around healing stone for recovery from physical injury or trauma heart emotional: helps one to make new […]

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