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rainbow obsidian

rainbow obsidian is polished black obsidian that, when exposed to strong light, shows bands of red, blue, gold and green shades in distinct layers. It take you on a journey to the unexpected light. since the light exposes the painful palces of mind, be well prepared for this journey. colour/appearance: iridescent, rainbow-like sheen cleansing: cleanse with running water method energize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon planet(s): venus zodiac: libra element(s): […]

red aventurine

red aventurine has all properties of aventurine, and some additional properties due to its colour. It is a reproductive healer, sometimes assisting in reversal of diseased states. colour/appearance: redish-orange sources: brazil cleansing: cleanse with running water method energize on an amethyst or crystal quartz cluster or in moonlight during full moon element(s): earth, fire chakra(s): root, sacral, third eye physical: balances blood pressure and assist in reversing disease. emotional: helps us to see alternatives and […]

red calcite

red calcite helps invigorate the life force in the body. has all the general properties of calcite. colour/appearance: shades of reddish pink to orangish red with clear streaks. cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon planet(s): moon zodiac: cancer element(s): fire, earth (water) chakra(s): root, crown physical: constipation, low blood pressure, legs, overcome lack of vitality emotional: good balance stone for preganant woman to carry […]

rutilated quartz

rutilated quartz has also all the properties of quartz. colour/appearance: clear or smoky quartz with needls of rutile (yellow to red) arrayed inside sources: brasil, alps and himalaya cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on a crystal quartz cluster or in sunlight element(s): storm chakra(s): all physical: cell regenerations, allergies, asthma, breathing, heart problems, depression, energy depletion, teeth, thyroid, heals bones, impotence, fertility emotional: helps us get to the root of problem, finds out […]

phenacite aka phenakite

phenacite aka phenakite energizes the third eye and helps the energy flow through the body. it has a powerful loving energy. colour/appearance: white, clear, yellow, pink, brown, glassy, quartuz-like, with small crystals sources: madagascar, russia, zimbabwe, colorado, brazil cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on a crystal quartz cluster or in sunlight element(s): storm chakra(s): third eye, crown best combined with: “gathers” the energy of other stones, during healing, so that all the stones […]

red jasper

red jasper is used for dream recall, it is a protection stone for the night and is a very lucky stone for actors. red jasper is a good stone to keep with you and use as a “worry” stone. the more jasper is handled the more calming vibrations it sends out. see also general properties of jasper. colour/appearance: brownish-red sources: india, egypt, usa, africa, brazil, former soviet states cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize […]

rose quartz

rose quartz is the stone of universal love. rose quartz jewellery is a good enhancer of beauty for any woman. love rituals use rose quartz more than any other stone. colour/appearance: milky pink cleansing: becomes paler in direct sunlight planet(s): venus zodiac: libra taurus element(s): water (earth) feng shui use: primary gemstone for the southwest direction southwest (relationships) center (emotional balance) any direction where emotional heling is needed physical: rejuvenator to the skin emotional: allows […]


pietersite gives strong inner sight. pietersite is related to storms and it can bring about a storm of emotions within you. it is a stone recently discovered and its powers are still being revealed. many of the recently discovered stones are very spiritual in nature; as is pietersite. colour/appearance: black or brown with multicolored chatoyant inclusions, including blue, red and golden sources: tansania cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on an amethyst cluster or […]


prehnite is a good stone for gridding as it brings a calm and adhesiveness to the environment. his is a stone of dreaming and remembering and helps with meditation. prehnite is a stone of unconditional love. it is said to connect to the archangel raphael . colour/appearance: pale green, dark green, yellow or white sources: india, namibia cleansing: cleanse with running water method, energize on an amethyst cluster or in moonlight during full moon element(s): […]


psilomelane helps assist us with self analysis to help reveal unrecognized thoughts and experiences. colour/appearance: black with black, white or grey swirling through it, similar in patterning to malachite sources: morocco cleansing: cleanse with running water method energize on a crystal quartz cluster or in sunlight element(s): earth best combined with: very effective when used with moldavite and for an extra boost take danburite physical: lungs digestion protect the heart emotional: motivates us to correct […]

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